Thursday, October 14, 2004

Lynne Cheney Says Kerry "Is Not A Good Man"... I Agree

I watched about half the debate last night and thought it was pretty close. Nothing great from either candidate.

Also Lynne Cheney goes off on Kerry for using her daughter's sexuality during the debate. I agree. Total cheapshot by Kerry. He's probably the type of guy on the basketball court that will elbow and use dirty tricks just to win a pick-up game. And do you believe Elizabeth Edward's comment? Do you want these people to run the White House?

Lynne Cheney accused Sen. John Kerry of pulling a "cheap and tawdry political trick" after he discussed her daughter's sexuality in his debate with President Bush. In response, Elizabeth Edwards suggested Mrs. Cheney might feel "a certain degree of shame" because her daughter is a lesbian. (full article)

ABC Poll states it's a draw. More views on the debate from Instapundit. Mickey Kaus thinks it was a draw and has some good points here. Deacon from Power Line is in-between while Hindrocket had a different view. And of course we have CNN's Carlos Watson from the way left... who I admired.

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