Thursday, August 19, 2004


Right now I'm watching Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN on he's discussing the impact of the recent mudslinging between the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the Kerry campaign, and the Bush administration. He brought on Carlos Watson to discuss who would be hurt more by these chain of events, and Watson actually stated President Bush. His primary point was that it will come down to each person's military record and since Kerry has five medals from the war that Bush will eventually be seen in a more negative light.

"What?... What an idiot!" was my initial reaction. What does five medals have to do with the fact that he lied about his service in Vietnam and lied about the actions of himself and others during the war? How could he actually state that a TV campaign, which has the support of over two hundred swift boats veterans who served with Kerry, that brings into light Kerry's lies about his actions and opportunistic positions be less than Bush's service record? If this wasn't so damaging to Kerry's campaign race, why would his attorneys threaten TV stations with lawsuits to stop these ads? Why is Kerry on the offensive, but still not answer the questions? Also practically speaking it's an outside organization that is bringing this information about Kerry into the public spotlight, so there is a buffer between Bush and the swift boat veterans. How can Bush come off worse than Kerry? Please.

Carlos Watson is not an idiot for throwing this verbal vomit at me. He's obviously an intelligent person. However, he is an unethical journalist that clearly used his position to spin this situation in a positive light for the Kerry campaign. Did he receive feedback from the Kerry camp or DNC leaders before he went on air with his response? Or did him and Wolf collaborate on this segment? It was annoying to watch. Was that a Larel and Hardy routine I just saw on CNN?

For all the criticism liberals throw at Fox News, at least the vast majority of their reporters are open and honest about the analysis of political situations. Fearless to slam Republicans, Democrats, Bush, Kerry, and others all alike. Take a note CNN.

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