Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Nuclear Matters in North Korea"

Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis has a new book out. Jim Schoff's summary:

As you know, the six-party talks have a mixed track record when it comes to achieving their goal of verifiable North Korean denuclearization, but they remain the most useful available tool for addressing this challenge. The talks are now entering a critical implementation phase during an important time of political transition in South Korea and the United States, and the demands are increasing. It is time to look for more from the six-party talks, but we cannot expect the talks to deliver desired results unless the participants are willing to empower the process in modest ways.

IFPA is pleased to announce a new publication that explores the strengths and weaknesses of the six-party process as they have revealed themselves over the last five years. It is the result of an extensive multilateral research project. This book, Nuclear Matters in North Korea, also offers practical solutions to the myriad of implementation challenges the region faces with regard to nuclear dismantlement and verification, coordinated economic assistance and investment, and striking the right balance on the security front by reconciling the prospects for (and potential friction among allies caused by) U.S.-North Korea normalization, inter-Korean reconciliation, and the development of a regional security forum.

Information about the book (including a downloadable version of the table of contents, introduction, and summary of observations and conclusions) and the project upon which it is based can be found here. This book benefited from contributions by dozens of leading experts, officials, and scholars from throughout the United States and Asia, and it was made possible by a generous grant from the Carnegie Corporation. We are grateful to all of them for their contributions and support.

We hope that you find this report valuable to your work, and we welcome any comments or questions that you might have. Thank you for your consideration.


Jim Schoff

Assoc. Director of Asia-Pacific Studies
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis

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