Tuesday, January 24, 2006


My friend, Max, who for some reason I still keep listed as an author for this blog even though he's only posted a handful of times, must be a bit pissed right now. Max is from the far left corners of the Canadian political spectrum, which doesn't even exist on the American spectrum, so he's hating the election results right now. I definitely have to call him today :)

Canada's right returns from wilderness
The Conservative Party supporters in Stephen Harper's heartland of Calgary, Alberta, have plenty to celebrate this election night.

When they wake up on Tuesday, their leader will be on his way to Ottawa to become the country's first Conservative prime minister in more than 12 years.

The party's years in the wilderness began with Kim Campbell's humiliating defeat in the 1993 election when the party won just two seats in the House of Commons.

Now, after Canada's second election in 18 months, Mr Harper's party has taken seats from the ruling Liberal Party in its traditional territories in Ontario, and from the separatist Bloc Quebecois in French-speaking Quebec. (full article)

"Harper Leads Canada's Conservative Party to Election Victory"

"Harper has duty to govern for all"

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