Wednesday, September 15, 2004


HatTip to Poor Bob Shrum. Runs the Dukakis campaign, gets "Heismaned" by Clinton, runs Al "Crazyman" Gore's campaign, and now helps in John "Three Purple Hearts" Kerry's run for the White House... officially, he's 0-7 for presidential runs, which is not good news for Kerry. Tony Coelho vents since he thinks there will be no gold at the end of this rainbow. Check it out if you want:

"There is nobody in charge and you have these two teams that are generally not talking to each other," says Coehlo, who ran Al Gore's campaign early in the 2000 presidential race. As Coelho and other detractors see it, there is a civil war within the Kerry campaign.

Sen. Ted Kennedy’s former staff members, Mary Beth Cahill, the Kerry campaign manager, and veteran Democratic strategist Bob Shrum are at odds with recent additions who served under President Clinton.

"Here are two groups that have never gotten along and have fought, and it is a lot over money," says Coehlo. "Because in the Democratic Party the consultants get paid for the creation and the placement of [advertising]. Republicans only pay you for the creation." (full article)

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