Wednesday, September 15, 2004


You know Kerry is hurting when there is a possibility that he can lose Illinois to Bush. Illinois! Home of the Daley "Democratic Machines," American stateman Adlai Ewing Stevenson, and Jesse Jackson. This is a gimme of electoral votes for Democrats over the past decades. If Kerry loses Illinois, it's like a NBA player missing a layup during pre-game warmups, it's like the National Spelling Bee champ losing on the word "candy," it's like Fat Albert getting full on a happy meal,...

Kerry Losing Lead Over Bush In Illinois

Sep 15, 2004 6:05 pm US/Central

The presidential election is just 48 days away now, and according to an exclusive new poll of Illinois voters, George W. Bush and John Kerry could be in a virtual dead heat.

The turn in this election tide could set up a political stunner. Illinois is a Democratic powerhouse in national elections, and John Kerry does maintain a small lead in our exclusive CBS 2 poll, but President Bush appears to be gaining support among voters.

Illinois no longer looks like a sure thing for Democrat John Kerry. His once 13 percentage point lead is now down to four points. That's exactly our survey's margin of accuracy, meaning the contest could be a dead-heat. (full article)

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