Thursday, September 30, 2004


One reason it's awesome to be back in the U.S. is TV programming. I never really watched TV so much in my life, but choice is always good. I love my ESPN, cable news, and some TV shows. The reality TV thing is a bit too much lately, but "The Apprentice" is a good show.

Last week, my friend told me that Friendster is doing a marketing campaign for "The Apprentice," so we checked out the site. I thought it was funny, so I entered a brief testimonial for Stacie J.

After the first show, I thought she was slightly paranoid and delusional, so I wrote "You one crazy lady!!" I didn't think she or they would post it up, but they did. Anyways, it was a one minute waste of effort that reveals I need to grow up at times... or I just need to buy a PS2 to deal with my idle time effectively.

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