Besides his regular students he teaches, once in a while he helps train members of the U.S. special forces. The elite military personnel learn various styles of fighting and martial arts, so Junger is their trainer for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
One time he told him he was training with five Delta Force members and they encountered a group of Navy Seals... location and details are left out.
"Look Seals," one of the Delta guys softly states.
Junger looks over and then asks,"How do you know?"
"Look at their watches and boots. And how many middle-aged men do you know who are physically fit like that?"
"Oh. I see." Junger replies.
One of the Delta Force team members begins to glare at one of the Navy Seals.
"Do you have a problem?" the Navy Seal asked.
The Delta Force guy walks up to the sitting man and asks, "Do you want a shot at the title?"
All hell breaks loose and both groups brawl. Junger told me he just sat their watching. He thought it was surreal, but the Delta guys later explained it was just to keep in top condition and both parties know not to use crippling moves. The Delta Force guys won that fight.
Anyway, here's a pic of Junger at Korea's first multiple martial arts championship, which he won. He was the only non-fighting professional (e.g. military instructors, police academy trainers) there and probably about five years older than the average person.

Told you... teddy bear (right)
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