Sunday, May 9, 2004

Goodbye Asia... For Now At Least

I'm killing time at Incheon International Airport in South Korea an hour before my flight. I stayed up until 6:30am packing my bags, setting aside stuff for my parents to ship back, and throwing away junk I accumulated over the past four years. I'm looking forward to moving back to the U.S. and starting my next position. Before I came out to Asia, I planned to build HeyAnita for about three years and then go back to the public sector. I've been looking at both public and private sector opportunities, and I'll will choose the position that will challenge me the most, allow me to develop new skills and refine old ones, and provide the opportunity to work and learn from excellent people. Nice soft and fuzzy qualities I've set out to fill. :)

Anyway, I'll see where the next month or so leads. I few interesting opportunities have already popped up in both sectors, so I have to decide how they fit into the greater picture of my future and long-term goals I've set for myself. I'm also excited because my girlfriend is also at a nexus point in her career, so we're both in an exploratory period of our lives.

Looking back at my four years in Korea, I truly enjoyed the work, friends, and family that have made my life fun and fulfilling. I will miss the friendships I've developed here and all the people I got to know, learn from, poke fun at, and laugh with over the years. I truly thank God for all of them. More later... I got to get on my flight.

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