Ecopreneurist provides news and advice on sustainable and social entrepreneurship. Learn about new green products and services for the LOHAS demographic, and get marketing and branding assistance for your green start-up business. (I'll add this to my blogroll)
Green Options
(The parent site of Ecopreneurist) Green Options Media’s growing network of environmentally-focused blogs provides users with a broad spectrum of information on and direction for making more sustainable choices in their lives. Launched in February, 2007, Green Options Media has grown into a leader among “green” web portals by combining news, guidance and community features for a wide audience. Both treehuggers and the “green curious” will find information they can use and people with whom they can share their journeys towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
Green Consumer Demographics from eMarketer:
Energy savings appeal to much of the US online population.
Like many marketers, purveyors of environmentally focused products and services tend to concentrate on youth demographics. After all, these younger generations are growing up in a culture steeped in environmental awareness.

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