Wednesday, May 24, 2006


(initially post at GoingOn's homepage here)

The GoingOn team is pushing hard towards our beta launch. Our list of ToDos for ourselves and our development partner, Tekriti, only seems to get longer not shorter every day, which can seem like a bad dream. The beauty of software as a service is that now and after our beta launch we will continually be improving our platform for our users and customers every few days.

Whether it's improving our user-interface (UI) design or integration of one of our technology partners, we want to create the best experience for all our users. So recently we began to integrate into our platform. If you use the popular CRM software, you can export your GoingOn connections into that account. It's not fully operational yet, but you can see what we're working towards if you go into your "edit" settings, visit the "professional" profile page, and check off the icon. On your Member Page, you should see a icon which you can click on where it will take you to a dummy account at this time. Later it will be your own account if you have one.

I guess a quality of being on the GoingOn platform before our beta launch is that you see all our "ugly" and how it will change into something that is useful and hopefully a great experience for you on the GoingOn platform.

Thanks for your patience and all your feedback!

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