Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Funny Post by Glenn Reynolds

"Now he's being blamed for not invading Afghanistan in 1998! Here's the relevant passage from MSNBC:

The report revealed that in a previously undisclosed secret diplomatic mission, Saudi Arabia won a commitment from the Taliban to expel bin Laden in 1998. But a clash between the Taliban’s leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, and Saudi officials scuttled the arrangement, and Bush did not follow up.

Damn him -- governing Texas while Rome burned! Why didn't he send the Texas Rangers to finish off Bin Laden? ("One mullah, one Ranger!") Sheesh. Can you say "Freudian slip?" (full post)

Hahaha... Yeah, I guess Bush could have sent in those Texas Rangers. Yo! Chuck! Why didn't you go over there and kick bin Laden's ass?

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