Sunday, March 21, 2004

What a Jerk!... Him and Dean are Cut from the Same Mold

Hugh Hewitt has a funny post on Kerry's snowboarding mishap:

John Kerry went snowboarding yesterday, and collided with a Secret Service agent. The New York Times account: "When asked about the mishap a moment later, he said sharply 'I don't fall down,' then used an expletive to describe the agent who 'knocked me over.'"

Lovely. Kerry turns on the guy who will take bullets for him and torches him to the world, using another of Kerry's marvelous storehouse of barbs to add to the agent's problems. I am sure the collision was already bad news for the agent, but rather than come up from the fall trying to save the guy some grief at headquarters, Kerry's instinct was to blame and curse him. I am sure the military as well as the Secret Service relish the thought of working for this guy.

The Democrats have made their choice. And he's a world class jerk.

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