"Scamville: The Social Gaming Ecosystem Of Hell" TechCrunch
"Scamville: Zynga Says 1/3 Of Revenue Comes From Lead Gen And Other Offers" TechCrunch
"How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s Confession" TechCrunch, Dennis Yu
"Zynga Takes Steps To Remove Scams From Games" TechCrunch
"Google Wave Federation: Why it Matters" ReadWriteWeb
"Why iStockphoto embraced Google's Gears" CNET
"Google Redefines GPS Navigation Landscape: Google Maps Navigation For Android 2.0" TechCrunch
"Is the LinkedIn Platform Dead?" Gigaom
Platform? Maybe, but they are making a lot of money.
"The Future of the Social Web" by Brian Solis
"Is Twitter Successful?" bokardo
"Lufthansa auto-tweets passengers' midair location" Springwise
"The Salmon Protocol: Introducing the Salmon Project" Abstractioneer
"For Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, failure is an option" VentureBeat
"Lessons From the World's Best Project Managers" BNET
"The Secrets To A Smooth Succession: Family-business hand-offs are fraught with peril. Here are some solid guidelines." Forbes, Chris Carey
"Roubini Says Carry Trades Fueling ‘Huge’ Asset Bubble" Bloomberg
"Reports: Cyberattacks Traced to NKorea" NYTimes
"Top Obama fundraisers get posts" USAToday
"The pro-Fox Democrats" Politico
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