Saturday, March 1, 2008

TED... Day Three Wrap Up

Yeah, I'm getting lazy about yesterday and need to focus on the last day, so here are summaries from other blogs :)

"TED2008: What will tomorrow bring?" TEDBlog

"TED2008: What Stirs Us?" TEDBlog

"Day 3 at TED@ASPEN 2008" Howard Wright's blog

"TED 2008 Day 3" Cerdafied blog

"TED2008: Bringing the forces together" Ethan Zuckerman's blog
(Ethan just kicks ass at live blogging)

"TED2008: Robert Ballard wants you to look down" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Paul Stamets: If all you have is a mushroom everything looks like a mycelium" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Very smart crows." Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Richard Preston - Go Climb a Tree" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Peter Schwartz - Everything’s gonna be alright" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Sue Goldie and the cost of health"
Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Narratives and questions" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Helen Fisher and the origins of love" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: The flashbulb moment"
Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Ben Zander and one buttock playing" Ethan Zuckerman's blog

"TED2008: Chris Abani - Forgetting their names"
Ethan Zuckerman's blog

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