Tuesday, February 7, 2006


Scott Rafer, former CEO of Feedster, has new gig. Actually, it seems like a cooler gig than Feedster. Always nice to upgrade :)

Wireless Ink Corp (aka WINKsite, http://winksite.com) ties mobile users back into the user-generated Internet and to each other. WINKsite makes it simple for publishers to connect with their users on the move, and easy for those users to find their peers — mobile or not — based on shared interests or locations. The result is rich, focused communities that span mobile and broadband experiences.

Mobile publishing has always been a choice between over-investment and user neglect. Creating new mobile sites remains more art than science; the price tag remains high and the talent rare. Automated web-to-mobile site converters, the only established alternative, are notoriously unreliable and make it clear to mobile users that the site owner regards them as second-class citizens, relegated to a separate information silo, and ostracized from web-based communities. Add the complexities of Web 2.0 features like real-time chat, tagging, event listings, and mapping, and the task is overwhelming.
(full post)

Definitely checking WINKsite this week.

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