Last week Christine and I officially joined the board of the Shih Yu-Lang Central YMCA. Well, Christine initially got asked to join and then dragged me into it:) We both thought it was a good cause and a great organization. This YMCA is located in the heart of the Tenderloin, one of the poorest neighborhoods in San Francisco, and their activities effectively serves the youth in the area with solid programs and learning opportunities.
Anyway, this is fundraising season for the YMCA, so there is a Silent Auction & Cocktail Party on Thursday, November 10th at 6:00pm. $10 Sliding Scale to enter and special "YMCA" drinks at a lower cost. It will be at Martuni's which is at 4 Valencia Street. Come join the party! (I guess this is a good time to use Zvents and Eventful.)

YMCA Fundraiser
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