Friday, June 10, 2005


He's climbing the ropes with Byrd! Oh, no! A flying supplex! Good article by Dick Morris:

Here’s good news to the cause of good government. West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, styled by partisan Democrats as the "conscience of the Senate" and by those who are less biased as the last troglodyte in the body, could be defeated in his bid for his umpteenth term in the Senate.

He’s up for election in 2006, and the latest polling in West Virginia indicates that an attack of sanity and judgment may, at last, be hitting an electorate that has routinely elected the 87-year-old Byrd to the Senate eight times with never less than 59 percent of the vote. A survey by RMS Strategies, a West Virginia firm, shows Byrd barely ahead of Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, 46-43 percent.
But Byrd needs beating for a host of other reasons. His defense of the filibuster was natural, since it was he who conducted a lonely 14-hour attempt to kill the 1964 Civil Rights Act by talking until he almost dropped. He stays in office by being a pork-barrel machine who waxes eloquent, at the same time, on the perils of deficit spending.

If he is the Senate’s conscience, the body is in deep trouble.
(full article)

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