Wednesday, June 8, 2005


Good article and discussion at AlwaysOn:

Chinese Youth, Unite!
A moral view of China must take into account more than its rampant economic growth.

By Tony Perkins

When the political, economic, and philosophical tales of the last century are written, historians could celebrate the great human innovations of this period, like the telephone, automobile, penicillin, and microprocessor. We could draft these stories on computers or with laser beams, both gifts from the 20th century. But for greater accuracy, this story should be written in blood.

The 20th century spilled more innocent blood than all previous centuries combined. When our grandchildren look at the accomplishments of that extraordinary century, they might easily be dazzled by the insights and inventions, and how it became possible to broadly communicate and share these innovations. Yet they will have to wonder how so much good could be mingled with so much terror.

In the 20th century, in China alone, an estimated 65 million people were killed. In the Soviet Union, at least 20 million. In Cambodia, 2 million—considering Cambodia’s overall population size, the worst genocide in human history. Another 2 million were killed in North Korea, 1 million in Vietnam, at least 1 million in Eastern and Central Europe, 1.7 million in Africa, 1.5 million in Afghanistan, and over 150,000 in Latin America. And these statistics are apart from the millions of deaths during World War I and II and the Jewish Holocaust. They represent only the murders committed in the name of that lurid denial of the sanctity and dignity of human life: Marxism. (full article)

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