Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Doesn't really count as a post, but Max finally sent something of value to this blog. This almost makes me sound like I have an imaginary friend and I'm pretending that he's contributing to this blog. The reality is that he's a lazy-ass that's shortchanged me on his commitment to blogging... it's okay since he's a close friend and he keeps using work as his excuse.

Anyway, check out Jon Stewart as a guest on CNN's Crossfire. Tucker Carlson rips him for throwing softballs at John Kerry when he was a guest on The Daily Show. So true. I saw that segment and Stewart didn't even rip on Kerry once, and kept handing him questions on a silver platter.

Carlson jabs Stewart during the show and you can tell Stewart is getting annoyed. You can feel the tension. Stewart doesn't come off cleanly and shows more of his partisan leanings here. Watch it if you have time.

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