Thursday, September 2, 2004


"Swift Boat group ignores Bush's plea"... of course they do... bawhahahahaha...

"On Tuesday, the Kerry-Edwards campaign renewed its call on the president to do more to stop the Swift Boat group's ads."

Of course they do... bawhahahaha... gotta love politics. Bush playing dumb on the ads while his staff must be laughing behind the curtains since the Swift Boat ads are damaging Kerry's run.

One way you can look at this is that playback is sweet. When played its ads comparing Bush to Hitler, did you hear Kerry plea for them to stop such foolish and extreme comparisons?

The Kerry camp is like the bully in grade school who was really is a whimp. With their $60+ million and less effective slams on Bush, they were loving the "527" groups they controlled and influenced. Finally, one kid stands up to him and whacks him in the face and the bully starts crying, running to the teacher, and blaming the kid. With a few million, the Swift Boat Veterans have been throwing a few solid punches into Kerry's campaign.

A VIEW on Kerry's campaign from The American Thinker.

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