Friday, September 10, 2004

Dirty Dirty Politics From The Kerry Camp... Carville On Board Changes The Game

Huge waves hitting the blogosphere with the Wednesday's 60 Minute II segment utilizing possibly forged documents to smear President Bush. It is known Rather doesn't like our President, but is he becoming a tool for the DNC? Did he receive these documents from Kerry's camp? I think I smell Carville's hand in this one. Dirty cajun tactic burning my nostrils...

Check out Power Line's extensive info on this and Rather recently putting his neck on the line.

Instapundit has stuff here and here with some questions about how could a group of bloggers have more stringent than a news organization like CBS. Well, how many people would challenge Dan Rather at CBS when he's sticking his neck out on the line? Power and pecking order talk in organizations such as CBS.

Great article on some of the internal dealings with this forgery by The Prowler. Best lines:

"The problem was we had one set of documents from Bush's file that had Killian calling Bush 'an exceptionally fine young officer and pilot.' And someone who Killian said 'performed in an outstanding manner.' Then you have these new documents and the tone and content are so different."

The CBS producer said that some alarms bells went off last week when the signatures and initials of Killian on the documents in hand did not match up with other documents available on the public record, but producers chose to move ahead with the story. "This was too hot not to push. If there were doubts, those people didn't show it," says the producer, who works on a rival CBS News program.
According to one ABC News employee, some reporters believe that the Kerry campaign as well as the DNC were parties in duping CBS, but a smaller segment believe that both the DNC and the Kerry campaign were duped by Karl Rove, who would have engineered the flap to embarrass the opposition.

Karl Rove? Holy paranoia by the left! But if it was Karl Rove by some distant chance... Bawhahahahaha... I would call him Dr. Eeeevillll! No... Yoda... Master Yoda!

UPDATE: Picked up by "Bloggers drive hoax probe into Bush memos"

Recent post from Captain's Quarters.

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