Friday, September 3, 2004


I didn't have time to keep up with all the reviews and opinions of the Republican Convention this past week. So here's a roundup:

Great review by Matthew May at The American Thinker.

Roger Simon's wrap up and how Kerry is getting nervous.

Power Line's wrap up. And running commentary on Bush.

Vodkapundit's wrap up:

For all its faults, for all its overtly- and overly-religious tones, this small-l libertarian prefers George Bush’s America to John Kerry’s. I don’t care for NASCAR. I’m not much for country music, Sundays at church, blue-eyed soul, or faith-based initiatives.

But Bush made me feel welcome all the same. No, wait – let me amend that statement, too. Bush made me feel like his place is somewhere I’d like to spend some time and get to know the locals. You know -- down a few beers, chat up the natives and learn their quaint customs.

Captain's Quarters on Bush. And his review of Senator Miller's "beating" of Chris Matthews on Hardball.

Andrew Sullivan on Bush's speech. He believes in most of Bush's ideals and positions, but he's not supporting Bush because of the gay marriage issue? This personal and social issue outweighs our fight against terrorism, the spread of freedom and liberty, and conversative fiscal policy? Whatever.

From the left. Chris Nolan on Bush:

"Is that it? When Kerry gave his acceptance speech, I thought he sounded like President Reagan: American glory, fiscal responsibility."

Excuse? Reagan?? What was she watching??? Obviously, we weren't watching the same thing, or we were but maybe someone had a little too much something.

Hugh Hewitt on Arnold. Also his short comments on Zell Miller's speech and the reaction from the liberal media and a transcript of his interview on Air America with Al Franken.

Oxblog on McCain and Giuliani. On Cheney... "Presidential."

Also President Bush gets his bounce in the polls (52%-41%). Funny that some liberal commentators predicted he wouldn't get a bounce like Kerry didn't after the DNC Convention. I heard one person state that the undecided are too small in this election to provide any bounce in the polls after either convention.

More on the bounce from Power Line:

Pollster Frank Luntz said Bush did very well with his MSNBC focus group of 21 swing voters in the much-watched state of Ohio — 17 had a positive reaction to the speech and only four were negative.

"This was a home run — that's the second strongest positive reaction I've ever had to a speech. Only Al Gore in 2000 did better," said Luntz, adding that 13 of his 21 voters switched to Bush from "undecided" or Kerry after the speech.

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