Tuesday, September 21, 2004


South Korea's President Roh and his staff are collective idiots. I'm sure they are some intelligent and maybe even kickass professionals on his staff, but the majority of them including Roh are just idiots. Here's another reason to support this line:

South Korean officials and U.S. officials told The Associated Press that Chung Byung-Man, a consular officer in Los Angeles, actually worked for South Korea's National Intelligence Service.

A spokesman for the South Korean consulate office said Chung was sent home in May amid ``speculation'' he became involved with the Kerry campaign and Democratic Party through contacts with fund-raiser Rick Yi and that his identity couldn't be discussed further.
The department believes Chung's contacts with donors and fund-raisers, if accurately described in reports, were ``inconsistent'' with the 1963 Vienna Convention that prohibits visiting foreign officials from interfering in the internal politics and affairs of host countries, a spokesman for its legal affairs office said.
(full article)

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