Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Great coverage by who has a "special coverage" page. Some select articles below. And a few here... slant on how this might spur consolidation in the software industry and the shift to Europe for this battle.

Despite ruling, PeopleSoft battles to stand alone

By Laurie J. Flynn and Andrew Ross Sorkin
The New York Times

September 11, 2004

The federal court ruling issued Thursday that allows Oracle to proceed with its hostile bid to acquire PeopleSoft removes a major roadblock to the merger. (full article)

Oracle ruling highlights complexity of market

By Alorie Gilbert
Staff Writer, CNET

September 13, 2004

The U.S. Justice Department's dramatic defeat in the Oracle antitrust trial underscores the unique character of software: It's a fast-paced, dynamic industry that makes a lousy target for trustbusters.
Observers praised Walker for a ruling they said was well-reasoned and practically appeal-proof. "I think it's one of the most comprehensive and thorough merger decisions ever," said Paul Griffin, an antitrust litigator and partner at Thelen Reid & Priest. "I think it will be difficult to appeal."
(full article)

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