Tuesday, August 3, 2004

RNC Releases New "Kerry Iraqi Documentary"... BawhahahahaBawhahahaha

HatTip to Mingi. I couldn't find the original newswire, so I'm just posted the whole thing. Giuliani shouldn't have been named Rudolph. It taints the good reindeer's image. He should have been named "Butch" or "Spike." :)

Anyway, check out "Kerry Iraqi Documentary." Scary if this man leads our nation. It's amazing how strongly he initially speaks for the war, and then bows to the pressures of the extreme left that hold power in the Democratic party to change his position. If you watch this video, his "Bush misled me and us" position stands on very thin ice. Some key excerpts:

KERRY: "I think we ought to put the heat on Saddam Hussein. I’ve said that for a number of years, Bill. I criticized the Clinton administration for backing off of the inspections when Ambassador Butler was giving us strong evidence that we needed to continue. I think we need to put the pressure on no matter what the evidence is about September 11." (Fox News’ "The O’Reilly Factor," 12/11/01)

MSNBC’S CHRIS MATTHEWS: "Do you think that the problem we have with Iraq is real and it can be reduced to a diplomatic problem? Can-can we get this guy to accept inspections of those weapons of mass destruction potentially and get past a possible war with him?"

KERRY: "Outside chance, Chris. Could it be done? The answer is yes. But he would view himself only as buying time and playing a game, in my judgment. Do we have to go through that process? The answer is yes. We’re precisely doing that. And I think that’s what Colin Powell did today." (MSNBC’s "Hardball," 2/5/02)

Giuliani: John Kerry Not Fit To Lead Nation At War

BOSTON (AP)--At a news conference in Boston on Thursday, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani attacked Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, arguing the senator is unfit to to lead the nation during wartime.

Giuliani pointed to Kerry's vote in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq, coupled with his vote a year later against $87 billion for the troops and reconstruction efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Nothing could tell you more about John Kerry than this quote: 'I voted for the appropriation before I voted against it,' " Giuliani said, slapping his forehead in mock disbelief. "Does that tell you everything you need to know about John Kerry?"

Giuliani said an 11-minute GOP-produced video about Kerry's struggle to define his Iraq stance over the last three years should be required viewing for all voters. He said the video isn't a GOP answer to Michael Moore 's popular anti-war film "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Asked if he had seen Moore's film, the man who led New York through the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history quickly fired back:

"I don't need Michael Moore to tell me about September 11th."

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