Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Sweet Home Chicago... Can't Wait to Eat!

Last night I got into Chicago after a couple days in the Bay Area for interviews. Finally my move from Korea to the U.S. is complete. I'm looking forward to my next stage of life. San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. all seem like viable options at this point.

I can't wait to go to my favorite restaurants and pig out. I can't wait until I go grocery shopping.


Today I got up around 8am because I couldn't sleep more than 4 hours due to my jet-lag. I crawled into the kitchen since my stomach was calling for food and I opened the 'fridge to see if I should go to Walker Brothers Pancake House or not. To my delight and comfort, there was a full slab of hearty-cut bacon. I missed American bacon while in Korea. This might sound funny to some of you, but bacon in Korea is not the same and unless I take the trek to Costco I would usually avoid eating the saltless, fatless, turkey bacon-like Korean cousin.

I got too excited. I fried up 8 healthy strips of bacon, and left some bacon grease to soak up and cook three eggs over-easy. It was heavenly, but I felt heavy and sleepy which I wanted to avoid. To my disappointment, I was knocked out by the bacon grease at 11am and didn't wake up until 5pm. Now I have at least an extra day of adjustment to go through with my jet-lag. Sucks.

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