Friday, May 28, 2004

Sgt. Donald Walters Killed By Iraqi fighers... Where is the Outrage Now?

Earlier on TV, I saw an interview of Norman Walters, Donald Walter's father, who perfectly capture the odd double standard between Abu Ghraib's prisoners and his son by many social critics (primarily from the left). I don't remember the quote word for word, but basically he was saying what is the big deal of the psychological torment those prisoners went through when they killed my son during his imprisonment.

Will there be just as much outrage by the U.S. media now? By the left? By the international community? Is the life of an American GI less than psychological torment of a dozen Iraqi prisoners? Who from the left will stand up on this issue? Will some say, "He was an intruder... an invader, so he opened himself to such a fate?" Or will someone say something more absurd?

I doesn't anger me so much as it disheartens me that fellow Americans are blinded by their partisanship and hatred against this administration to such a degree that pits them against other Americans and in some cases act anti-American. There are some that will be more angered by the abuse of the Abu Ghraib prisoners than by the death and abuse of Donald Walter during his imprisonment. Is this logical? No. Justified in any manner? No. Even death of an American GI cannot disrupt their cause. I cannot grasp how some people can think like this. Is the life of a human being from a 'stronger and wealthier' nation of less value? To be mourned less? I don't understand.

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