Thursday, May 13, 2004


In "Liberal radio is airing bad jokes and worst taste," Goodwin examines Air America's efforts in countering right-wing whacko radio. No matter how much you disagree with Limbaugh and other radio hosts, I hope most of you will agree that they are at least intelligible and thought-provoking. Many liberals still haven't learn that a bitter tongue and obnoxious humor doesn't last long with most people. It gets tiring and old. Wit and sarcasm appeal more. Just look at David Letterman versus obnoxious entertainers in the same category. Their shelf-life is no more than a few years while Letterman has lasted decades. Also some liberals are afraid of decent discussion and debates. It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with others, just don't get bent out of shape when disagreement happens and especially don't start spazing out with the hate and vile venom. Take a breath or two and think happy thoughts. :)

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