Monday, April 5, 2004

The Passion of The Christ... Saw It and Did Not Meet Expectations

I finally saw "The Passion of The Christ" after my various posts and reading all the debates about it. It was okay. It wasn't even a good movie to me since it seemed more like a documentary. I think all the hype and excitement raised the bar too high for me. My good Christian friend told me that it was awesome and how he was sobbing throughout the movie. He's not that emotional, so I was getting ready to shed some tears and preparing to be awestruck. I did not shed a tear, and it didn't stir any particular emotion in me.

The movie wasn't as gruesome as various critics proclaimed. If they saw "Kill Bill Vol.1" and still proclaim it's one of the most grotesquely violent movies in recent memory (from a comment a read a while back) then they are lying and just trying to slander the movie. "Kill Bill" is far worse in terms of graphic violence and blood shed.

It was confirmed for me that the movie was not anti-Semitic. I was more disturbed by the brutality of the Roman soldiers, but that is what I pictured from my readings of the Roman Empire. The Jews that were against Jesus were threatened and fighting for their faith, holding on to their power, or whatever other motivation that led them demand his death. It happens and those qualities are not solely Jewish traits, but of all of mankind. A great symbolic message related to this topic from Mel Gibson is his only cameo appearance. His hand was one of the hands that held Jesus down while He was being nailed to the cross. So the message is that we all nailed Christ to the cross. We all crucified Him for our sins.

It was a good reminder for me what kind of sacrifice Jesus Christ did for humankind. In our society, especially Western society where His name is a curse that people use daily, Jesus Christ has become too marginalized and commercialized (e.g. Christmas, which is suppose to be a celebration of His birth). Our minds are desensitized to the point that we tend to picture Jesus Christ as some distant character in a children's Bible, some person in ancient history, or a name that has been so commonly used it rolls off our tongues like the words crap, f*@k, or sh#t. In the remote parts of the world, modern day missionaries talk about how His name amazingly brings people to their knees. On rare occasions, they don't need sermons or discussions about the Bible, but by simply saying the name "Jesus Christ" people are transformed.

Anyway, I still am amazed by the impact Mel Gibson's movie has had financially and spiritually today. If you are a Christian reader of this blog and saw "The Passion of The Christ," you can consider donating to a project my close friend emailed me about a few days ago:

Dear friends,

Campus Crusade in Russia is mobilizing a special effort to enable interested Russian students to see the film, "The Passion of The Christ", which has had a world-wide impact on people and their interest in Jesus Christ. Please consider taking part in this unique outreach effort.

In His Grace,
Sam & Hanna Won
Ekaterinburg, Russia

From the Russia Campus Ministry:
Send a Russian college student to see "The Passion of the Christ" for $3.50 per ticket

Thousands of students in America have been greatly impacted by this film. The Buzz about the film has reached Russian students... they want to see it!

The film opens in Moscow on April 8 and will be shown in theaters all over Russia during the month of April.

Your gift will be used in several ways depending on the city:
- Christian students will take a friend to see the movie... this is the most effective approach!
- Special showings will be held.
- Related materials will be distributed at the theatres and on campus.
- Follow up discussion groups will be held.

How many students would you like to sponsor?
By April 15, please send your gift to:


Send a check payable to
"Campus Crusade for Christ"
PO Box 628222
Orlando, FL, 32862-9841
"Russia Campus Minsitry" account #2580598

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