Wednesday, March 31, 2004

What Walks Like a Duck, Looks Like a Duck... Kofi Annan's Son

Even more disturbing is the $10.1 billion that the General Accounting Office estimates Saddam Hussein was able to salt away "in illegal revenues related to the Oil-for-Food program."

The French, Russia, and others were probably involved... picture getting clearer now. Maybe the Dems were involved too! :)

Turtle Bay’s Carnival of Corruption
Digging deeper into the scandalous Oil-for-Food program.

By Claudia Rosett
March 21, 2004

With United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan finally conceding the need for an independent investigation of the U.N.'s 1996-2003 Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, the next question is how investigators might begin to get a grip on the U.N.'s central role in this huge scandal.

Naturally, the rampant signs of corruption are important, and leads on graft involving U.N. personnel — including the program's executive director, Benon Sevan — need pursuing. If Sevan did receive oil from Saddam, as it now appears, then the immediate follow-up question is: What might Sevan have done in return, given his responsibilities for "overall management and coordination of all United Nations humanitarian activities in Iraq"? (full article)

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