Wednesday, March 24, 2004

From Hugh Hewitt... 9/11 Commission Hearings

"This is repugnant in the depth of its deception and sophistry. Asked tough questions, Albright shifted the subject from what the Clinton Administration didn't do and then to the Bush Administration abandonment of Clinton's North Korean and Balkan policies (thank goodness we gave up on the benefits of being hornswaggled by Kim Jong Il) to leave the impression, implicit only, that the Bush Administration abandoned anti-al Qaeda initiatives as well. Initiatives like not trying to take him out when the drone spotted him in the fall? This is a hearing for the historians to mull over, and when they do, it will not go well for Madame Secretary." (full post)

Good Question by Hugh:
"Today's testimony by Madeline Albright was among the most preposterous such appearance by an American official who formerly held high office in the executive that I can recall. It was so transparently self-serving, so obviously an attempt to dodge the culpability for having been part of the Clinton-Gore-Berger-Clarke-Daschle-Biden-Gephardt team that failed, and failed, and failed to act to stop bin Laden's growing fury and capabilities, that it will persuade no one who is serious about the subject matter...

As you read this stuff, keep in mind the CNN video that has Ben-Veniste so upset. And hope that someone asks Ms. Albright or any of her colleagues: "To the best of your ability, and realizing it is a hypothetical, please tell us if you think Al Gore, had he been elected, would have prevented the 9/11 attacks, and if so, how?" Of course he couldn't have. Those attacks were operational long before January 20, 2001." (full post)

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