Monday, December 8, 2003

States scrutinize e-voting as primaries near

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) was established in response to the controversies surrounding the 2000 presidential election and the disgraceful reaction by Al Gore... come on you Democrats, you know what I'm talking about. It was like the scene in Swingers when Mikey keeps calling the girl and leaving a message. You're cringing, twisting and turning, feeling the pain...

"Al, just drop it. Don't go to court... It's going to make you look bad... Ewh... please, just stop..."

I wasn't thinking this as a Republican, but as an objective observer that if he pursues that course of action he looks bad and if he fails he will never get another chance in 2004. For the political newbies, a party would never support him after such actions whether the Democrats or Republicans. I guess Gore placed all his chips on the court's decision, which he lost. AND it looked worse when I saw him on NBC's "Meet the Press" earlier this year. He sounded like a little baby complaining that the "parties that be" would not let him run, but how he was interested in running. I don't remember the exact words, but this was the basic message... "I wanna run, but the men pushing the buttons in the Democratic party aren't letting me... so I'm going to gripe indirectly on national TV."

Like he's going to hold any real power positions in the future now. Along similar lines, the CEO of Diebold Election Systems had a huge lapse in judgment recently and discussed in the article above:

"Diebold Election Systems of North Canton, Ohio. The company has become a lightning rod for criticism following partisan political statements by its chief executive and revelations of security flaws within its flagship product.


Diebold, which has deployed 33,000 touch-screen voting machines in the United States, first gained notoriety after its chief executive wrote in an August fund-raising letter that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to (President Bush) next year."

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