Monday, April 21, 2003

A Child Will Always Be A Child To A Parent

I haven't blogged in a long while since I've been occupied with preparations for my trip to the U.S. and a couple projects I've been working on. My colleagues and I will probably end our efforts to raise an investment fund in Asia since the market has kicked our ass and potential investors are still concerned about the situation in North Korea. We are looking at one more possible source in the U.S. and I am beginning to get ready to move back to the U.S. if things don't pan out.

During this time, I've also had the added pressure of my parents telling me what I should do and how I should live my life. Some of it is beneficial and insightful, but some of it is simply not applicable to my life or my interests. Even though I'm over 30 yrs. old, it's interesting how my parents still talk treat me as their little child. Since I've come to realize this over the past few years, I also recognize this same behavior in other families if not all. My cousins that are in their 40s still get treated or spoken to as if they are ten year old children. I guess many parents never lose that natural instinct and attitude, or they don't want to lose it.

This is not really so insightful for those thirty years or older, but this is more to vent my frustrations at this approach and perspective that my parents have. I guess it really depends upon the depth and width of a parent's treatment towards their adult-child that creates frustration and tension between the parties.

The level of motherly nagging is a key factor in my stress and frustration level. Most, if not all, mothers nag, but I truly believe my mother has brought it to it's purest form. She does not treat it as an art or has multiple methods. It's raw verbal spitfire and extreme repetition. Constant repetition. And to give her credit she does add some wit into the mix.

Last year, after weeks of daily nagging about how I should move back to the U.S. and work in public service again, I just lost it one morning.

"Dear, are you going to move to the U.S. soon?"

"Mom, to make you happy, I'm going to move to Pakistan!"

"Pakistan?! Why Pakistan? Why don't you move to Afghanistan and become a freedom fighter like Johnathan whatever! And you'll have your name on CNN. It will say 'Bernard Moon, freedom fighter' on the screen!"

"No. It's going to say 'Mrs. Moon's son'!"

Then I walked out for my morning meeting.

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