Thursday, October 25, 2012

Draper University's Next Class & Open House Event on November 8th!

Tim Draper is the Founder & Managing Director of DFJ and an investor in my prior startup. He has launched Draper University which has an upcoming open house on Nov. 8th and application deadline on Nov. 15th. More info...

"Draper University is looking for student/interns 18-29 to come to our entrepreneurial experience from Feb 4th to March 15th. Interns will have an immersive experience boarding at the Ben Franklin Hotel in San Mateo. They will learn basics of finance, marketing, production, as well as some unusual classes like 'future,' yoga, painting, speed reading, public speaking, negotiation, game theory and practice, and hydroponic gardening. There will be a four day offsite for team building and survival training, and there will be a week of business planning and mentoring. The final day will include a pitch to a panel of venture capitalists.

Our Winter session starts February 4, 2013 and will run for six weeks."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NetKAL 2012 Korea Trip

NetKAL is the mid-career professional leadership program Christine and I went through a few years ago.  I was part of the organizing committee, but couldn't attend since I would have had to cut off my right arm to leave Christine alone for two weeks with the kids :)

Excellent recap video was made of Mat Park.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Giuliani Talks About Obama's Libya Coverup

Amusing... Don't mess with the former mayor of NYC. Soledad O'Brien looks a bit to biased and defensive.